Prayer Request

State / Province / Region

24-Hour Prayer Support

To request prayer, please fill out our confidential online form. Your request will be promptly sent to our dedicated team of 24-hour Volunteer Prayer Warriors. They will join you in heartfelt prayer, trusting in the powerful name of Jesus. Together, we believe that God, in His infinite wisdom, mercy, and love, will respond to your prayers according to His divine purpose for your life.

AGMI Church Service Timings

Below you will find our service schedule All Tamil Service

Your prayer request is important to us.

As Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Our 24-hour volunteer prayer team is here to stand with you in prayer. We believe that God’s grace, mercy, and love will lift you up, heal you, and meet your needs—mentally, physically, and spiritually.